The English Premier League 2016/17™

Because it’s a free world and I can act on my emotions and culture.

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If your not Italian you wouldnt understand

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So if Conte was appointed manager of Man City, you reckon you’d still be a Chelsea fan?

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I wouldn’t even want to

I’d listen to my heart.

We’d love to have you.

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Nuf said

To be fair nembo you don’t move goalposts but one minute they are soccer goalposts , then GAA , then rugby , then hockey . You are a serous fisherman .

A draw is still a shit result for Arsenal

Would you agree its better than a defeat?

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He’d make a great ambulance chaser

The English language concept of irony lost on the Italian again.

it’s not my research - it is research over years and years from various leagues.

Of course Liverpool can compete and are competing but Conte at Chelsea has a financial advantage over Klopp at Liverpool that you are determined to disregard. He also had that financial advantage at Juventus.

Over course of a season the club with higher salaries is expected to finish higher than club with lower salaries.

In other sports it also holds. Olympic medal hauls generally correspond to spending on sport by the respective national associations.

Conte should be ahead of Klopp.

A trademark salvaging of pride away from home for Arsene Wenger’s team.

It is for their goal of finishing 4th I suppose

So you agree

Swansea take the lead in 88th minute

I’m not determined to disregard it, he does have a financial advantage over Klopp but financial advantage is not everything.

The way some people are speaking here, Liverpool are as well not turn up because of the money imbalance. Liverpool have the 5th highest assembled squad in the league and should be competing for titles - if Klopp fails to mount as sustained title challenge, you would have to question the money he is receiving.


That applies to every manager in the premiership league