The English Premier League 2016/17™

Lucky that Ozil wasn’t playing.

He inflicted more misery on this country than Cromwell , Trevelyn , The Black and Tans , and the Parachute Regiment combined .

John Delaney got redress .

No you wrote “Failure?” in your post I was responding to. Do you have short term memory loss?

Dunno, Ramsey was terrible too.

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Ozil is class against shit teams

More simulation from a British player tonight to get an opposition player sent off

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The barely contained seething here from a few lads in hilarious. God bless January.

@carryharry how many points out a potential points haul did Arsenal get over the Christmas period.

How did the mighty Arsenal get on tonight? Surely destroyed Bournemouth.

I was on about net spend. Klopp bought 4 players for 70m. Conte bought the same number of players for 120m. Proving Chelsea will always outbid Liverpool. They did it with Costa, William and Salah. Luckily clubs only need one manager or Chelsea would have bought Klopp and Conte.

Maybe they bought them as they were good players, certainly with Costa, they needed a big name striker. Willian has been a big player for them.

You seem quite paranoid.

Zaha’s goal lads, holy shit.

They got a “good result” mate

Won by 5 or 6 so…

Jaysus, Angel Rangel, there’s a blast from the past.

You would think so alright

I agree klopp has plenty money and that shouldn’t be an excuse after next season, but he was saddled with some serious dross which he’s working his way through slowly but surely. Needs another two windows to plug all the gaps he found.
In contrast conte had the bones of a league winning side who just didn’t try a leg last year. He also has vast pools of young players out on loan to call on in time. He’s doing a great job, they both are. Next season is the yard stick for klopp, no excuses then but in the meantime a champions league spot represents progress

Tired minds. Second penalty was not CB fault. Problem position for lots of clubs.

They seem to have stopped making the old fashioned stopper CBs.

Match of the day showed a stat which showed Liverpool has having conceded fewest shots on target this season. Again all about the system - defend from the front and try and turn over possession in danger area.

Lucas cost them the two points with his foul. The bench will be stronger after he leaves.

gas seeing the murderpool fans not being able to deal with some harsh realities

But I thought Liverpool were an apex predator, a lion. :confused: