The English Premier League 2016/17™

Have you revised your opinion on Conte?

Poor Jeff getting an absolute chasing here, desperately flailing and trying to deflect by posting reams of useless information pulled from wikipedia.

Three simple words will put an end to this death by a thousand cuts - " I was wrong"

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His results over 15 of the last 16 games have changed the landscape. It could all change again over the last 16 more difficult games as I highlighted earlier. I was fulsome in my praise a few weeks back of Conte’s man management skills and how he got Hazard and Conte back onside. The Costa situation has possibly changed slightly since with the on field fighting with Pedro at White Hart Lane and the possible falling out last week.

Have you changed your stance on Conte?

You were still claiming he will be a failure back in November. Do you still hold that view?

But if he admits he was wrong he will lose serious internet points

As I’ve said from the outset, failure for Conte at Chelsea this season is not delivering the title. When I expressed that view back in early November, i didn’t think Chelsea would win the title. They’re obviously in pole position but more than a few league titles have been lost in the EPL era from such a position. If Chelsea are top of the pile after 38 games, of course i’ll have called it wrong.

If I’m wrong, unlike some other contributors, I’m always the first to hold my hands up and admit it.

Rebrand country

You never clarified that.

You had been consistently predicting that he would get found out in English football and that he would be a failure since the season start. I’m just wondering if that’s still the case or have you lost conviction in your bullish claims.

I called you out on these views and I was quite bullish in doing so, you responded likewise. As I noted at the time, I think your xenophobia clouded your judgement when it came to Conte. He is making you look extremely foolish and you’re certainly not doing yourself any favours.

fuck me

boycott so rattled here

Another one? :sweat_smile:

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Uncalled for and highly libellous.

You also referred to Serie A as a mickey mouse league.

The fact is Conte had stiffer title challenges from Milan and Napoli in his first two seasons than he is getting in England right now.

Juventus currently moving serenely along to a 6th successive league title and a 33rd in total (or 35 if you include the two, Juventus still insist on counting that were stripped off them for match fixing in 2004/05 and 2005/06). That’s mickey mouse levels of uncompetitiveness and corruption.

Uncompetitiveness? How many titles did Ferguson win in his tenure?

I’ve come to the conclusion that @Nembo_Kid is one of the two people in this photo (clue: not Conte), such is the horn NK has for Conte.

You’re a KOK sucker.

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Not at all. Think he’s a good manager but wouldn’t think he’s the best in the league .

Apparently Ryan Mason from Hull is in a bad way after a clash of heads in the match today.

Oh shit.