The English Premier League 2016/17™


That’s in Belgium, mate.

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That looks like a bottle of Carlsberg to me, clearly it was thrown by a Scouser as that is the piss they drink.

Scousers drink Carlsberg ? Did you carry out a survey on that, mate? I suppose they were scouser Chelsea fans stood in the away end? All that makes perfect sense.

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now that’s a clamping

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So all Arsenal fans fly emirates only ? Utd fans only drive Chevrolets? Everton fans drink Chang beers? Stoke fans bet 365 ?

You’re a special kind of stupid, aren’t you my son?

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The bottle came from the away end mate … No coincidence that it was thrown at a black player either by the combat 18 racists

They only sell that carlsberg piss in stadium. It’s a plastic bottle

Are you condoning the violent racist actions of the combat 18 Chelsea fans?

No I’m absolving the Liverpool stewards of responsibility

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If he owned a time machine it is.

Otherwise it is a 20 years old image than no longer is culturally relevant.

I wasn’t aware you could drink a sponsor’s logo on a jersey, pal. :smile:

no, there was just mass murder at 2 other venues


the murdering scousers very tetchy today

don’t forgot Theft as well mate

There’s been mass murders all over the world, mate?

Not a scouser.

My not being a murderer has already being commented on.

You cannot be a murderer unless convicted of murder as @nembokid and Joe Brolly would say.

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Did Pool fans really think they could win the Title? :smile::speak_no_evil:

Who said they did? They had as much chance as Arsnal and Spurs this year. Zero… It was always going to between one of three big spenders Chelsea, Man Utd and Man City. No one can compete with their spending power and wages.