The English Premier League 2016/17™

What you get up to for the weekend mate?

How bout ya wee mon. Well I pretend to follow Chelsea on this website and I spent all of the weekend arguing with lads on that about whether or not Chelsea were favoured more or less by referees than other sides. Cracking weekend all in all


You literally couldn;t make it up… I wonder is he locked in a psyche ward or something with only a laptop to communicate with the rest of the world.

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Does it look like this?

How bout ya

It’s actually what about youse.

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Ah I wouldn’t go that far. I just assumed bound to the peace for assault or something and on some kind of house arrest

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A good ride would sort a lot out I’d say

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Look, either ride him or not, but stop flirting with him.



No MOTD2 tonight, guys?

It’s all part of the anti Spurs conspiracy.
They’re now cancelling MOTD2 when we’re playing on Sunday.


Leicester. That’s why they’re champions.

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Look who the cat dragged in.


As sure as flies gather around shit…

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:grinning: :grinning:

I reckon 6 wins in our remaining 12 league games should be enough for us.

That would leave City requiring a minimum of 29 points of 39 in their remaining games and Spurs requiring a minimum of 28 points of 36 remaining points.

It’s pretty much done and dusted.



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