The English Premier League 2016/17™

They were the lesser shit team on display there tonight from what I saw. It hadn’t my full attention so I could be mistaken but it looked that way to me.

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I don’t know.

Klopp blew that the stupid cunt… Inviting a team on with that utter scutter of a defence. If they don’t get CL football he can look at tonight as the reason - could have opened up a good gap to 5th and effectively ended interest from Utd. You have to be winning those games at home.

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@GeoffreyBoycott I believe

Think he also said Conte was a shit manager and the foxes would be relegated😁

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I’m fucking seething … Coutinho off for Matip with 65 on the clock and Bournemouth couldn’t get out of their half.

a good English manager would not have made that mistake


Total control of the game until they brought Matip on, the team became completely unbalanced and couldn’t hold on to the ball. Once Bournemouth got in between Liverpool’s defence and midfield The panic set in and they were all over the place

Quite amusing to see Gerrard and Ferdinand blaming Caballero for not saving the penalty well enough.

Spuds luck will run out soon. They’ll finish outside top four unless Liverpool really blow up

You’re a special kind of idiot obviously.

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  1. Chelsea 91
    2 . Spurs 82
  2. Liverpool 74
  3. Man City 73
  4. Man Utd 71
  5. Arsenal 71

Swansea 34
Middlesboro 30
Sunderland 24

United are out of it. City, Arsenal, Chelsea and Spurs still to play as well as Europa league games. Only danger is if Arsenal go on one of their runs which is not improbable as they’ve done it every year for last 6 or 7 years when the league is gone.

Arsenal will finish the season in storming fashion and secure a top 2 finish.

Are you looking for a fight?? I’m in no humour … I got a full force whack of the ball from 4 yards away right on the chin which drove the bottom half of my mouth the opposite way to the top half - fucking up my jaw and chipping a tooth in the process … I came home and had to chew my dinner on one side of my mouth and watch that cuntfest of a performance.

Well I finished working 40 minutes ago with another 12 or 13 hour day on the cards tomorrow potentially so I’m not exactly whistling Dixie myself you half head cunt.

Take it out on your mrs, you shitbag.

Oh look it’s David Moyes!

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Poor old Moyesies terribly awkward attempt at flirting really backfired on the stupid prick. I assume that that type of thing is par for the course in Glasgow?