The English Premier League 2016/17™

In fairness it’s not the done thing to use in fairness as a precursor to congratulating yourself :joy:
In fairness to who or what exactly??

In fairness it’s not the done thing to laugh at your own inane comments either.


That’s just wrong. An English manager has only won it twice in 25 years. Claudio Ranieiri the Italian won it last year. Whatever bias they have, it’s hardly nationality based. You are trying to create racial differences where there are none.


I told you last week I missed that incident as I was in the vets. My cat lost it’s right eye, it was a very harrowing time.

I have not commented on the penalty incident at all.

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As a somebody who loves cats, I send my best wishes to your cat.

Will your cat continue with just the one eye or will you be fitting it with a motorway-style replacement cat’s eye?

The eye has been removed and the eyelids stitched together. There is hair starting to grow over the area now, it still looks bad though. Unfortunately there was no option of getting a false eye put in.

That must have been quite traumatic for both puss and owner. My old cat came quite close to losing an eye in a fight years ago and had half her face swelled out as a result. She had already lost much of the hair from her tail as a result of a bad reaction to being neutered. I hope your cat makes a good recovery and leads a relatively normal life. Hopefully it won’t interfere too much with its balance and climbing ability. They are wonderful creatures.

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Alan Pardew, Harry Redknapp, Tony Pulis, George Burley, Kenny Dalglish and Alex Ferguson have won 16 of the 23 awards between them. They are all British managers.

Ferguson only failed to win the award once in the 12 seasons where the award was in operation and he won the league yet Ancelotti, Pellegrini and Mancini have all been overlooked the first time they won the league with their clubs.

This is what you call a clamping.

mate, my old cat stitch suffered from this affliction

she thrived you will be glad to know

Clearly you don’t understand xenophobia. Thanks for pointing that out to me.

You’re Dead right there. I’ve deleted the post in order to remove any trace of my idiocy for future generations.
But if they hate Italians why did ranieri win it?

I didn’t say they hate Italians. I said the selection process of the recipients of the award is xenophobic. It’s not done on merit.

Please detail the xenophobic parts of the selection process, @Nembo_Kid.

16 of the 23 winners have been British managers.

A foreign manager has never won the award without a league title.

Only in 2000/01 was a British manager who won the league not given the award, in that particular season the award was handed to another British manager in George Burley.

3 of the 6 foreign managers to win the EPL were not chosen for the award.

How many foreign managers have managed in the EPL over the 23 years v how many British managers?

Why did Ferguson and Dalglish get the awards 12 times in 13 years and 3 foreign managers who have won EPL titles not get the award?

What? I merely asked you a question. I couldn’t give a fuck one way or the other here, I’m just curious and presume you have all the data.

I don’t have that information.

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Considering they have given the award to people from France Portugal and Italy, I fail to see how it’s xenophobic. Your stats are just skewed by Alex Ferguson’s amazing record.