The English Premier League 2016/17™

Admittedly West Ham were dogshit today though

No chance of Sunderland or WBA doing Liverpool a favour tonight I suppose… no?

IVe done my absolute bolox on city minus 2

Both 0-0 so far

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The son of God puts City 1 up.

Bellerin hits the side netting.

Fowler’s son is only 13, mate.

De Brunye scores a beaut. I’d say @anon32894817 will be swimming in 50’s tonight.

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2-0 citeh. 0-0 arsenal HT but only a matter of time before they score.

I fucking hope so.

KDB is a beautiful player. City have the bones of a good side there, 500m should see them sorted.

They do. Probably a goalkeeper, a complete new back 4 and a couple of midfielders to have a real crack at the title.

1-0 Sanchez

Maybe a striker as well, just to be safe

Sir Alex always had 4.

2-0 sanchez 3-0 city

A great sign-off from Sanchez.

Liverpool have to win Sunday. Everton will lie down for Arsenal.

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Lack of professional pride.

You’d never get that from a David Moyes team, as the Chosen One proved yet again tonight.

Pablo Zabaleta is a lovely guy.