The English Premier League 2016/17™

This relegation for the black and amber is nearly as painful as that time Down beat us by a point in Nowlan Park to relegate us :cry:


Good news for London clubs with all the north of England dross getting relegated. If Fulham go up the away fans will save a few quid.

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Do you think playing down your chances and posting in a resigned manner on the INTERNET might have lulled West Ham into a false sense of security?

I don’t know if i’ve been guilty of that but other posters have been… Think W’Ham are missing 5/6 starters and I think that’s played into it more than the likes of Sidney playing Liverpool’s chances down…

What another cluster fuck there.

Twice off the post … you’re never out of a game against Liverpool… ever.

West Ham have mugged off North London in 9 days . Beating Spurs and lying down v Liverpool .


And there’s the inevitable equaliser.


2-1 to West Ham now. FFS sake.

Disaster. 3-1 West Ham.

I’ve had this on in the background but haven’t paid much attention bar the goals, have the Hammers rolled over or is this the very good performance my cursory glances have indicated.

BBC site says Liverpool are 3 up . I assume it’s been hacked ?

@GeoffreyBoycott will no doubt be on later bemoaning the big decisions major conglomerates get after West Ham denied a stonewall pelanty and Liverpool score to make it 3.

4-1 to West Ham. A wipeout for Liverpool and Klopp.

Fix the goal difference now

Cou - tinh - oooo ooo ooo
Cou - tinh - oooo ooo ooo

Yet another instance where overconfident Liverpool fans were giving it big licks beforehand thinking we only had to turn up to win, and we’ve been destroyed.

Will we ever learn?

Liverpool running of opportunities to fuck themselves up. They may just stumble into the champions league after all, in spite of themselves

This was top class

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