The English Premier League 2016/17™

No poor mouthing on my part. Liverpool are a work in progress. Utd have spent over 600m, City over 500m and Chelsea and Arsenal over 400m … Liverpool come in around the 300m mark. They are a keeper, centre half, left back and a striker away from seriously challenging.

Oh fuck off. Leicester won a league last year with a squad that was battling for relegation. Liverpool, by your own admission, have the fifth most expensively assembled squad, of course they should be challenging for titles.

They are paying Klopp £7m a year, he should be challenging for titles at the very minimum.

Klopp came in 12 months ago now, like Chelsea, Liverpool are a work in progress but so are Man City and Man Utd who are also under new management. There should be no excuses for any of those clubs, they should all be challenging for titles and if they aren’t then they are failing in their job.

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Unlike those clubs, Liverpool can’t fork out ridiculous money and draw top players… Those other clubs also have an abundance or top players already which helps … How many Liverpool players would start on the Chelsea team?

First it was about money, then it’s actually not about the money, it’s about drawing top players.

Liverpool are not paupers, they might not be as good as Chelsea but they should be competing with them. If Chelsea and Arsenal can compete with City and United then Liverpool and Spurs can compete with Chelsea and Arsenal and the rest.

Liverpool were able to go out this summer and spend huge sums on the likes of Wihnaldum and Mane - of course they should be competing for the title. Maybe you should go and support Arsenal, your willingness to accept failure would be welcomed there.

I love the poor mouthing from Choco and other pathetic Irish Liverpool fans. How can we compete we’re only a small club as they spend €100m a season on players. Stand up and fight and stop acting the cunt. We spent 60m on Carroll and Moreno and you act like it’s Dundalk v Real Madrid. Cop on you fucking sad cunt.

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Failure? Just being realistic. Liverpool finished 8 th last year, 4th would be a huge upset should they get it.

Chelsea finished 10th last year mate.

Leciester finished 16th in 2015.

Liverpool are 4 points off the top with a game in hand, playing good football with one of the most expensively assembled teams in league and one of the highest paid managers around. Of course they should be competing for the title, nobody said they have to win it but they should be mounting a sustained challenge.

Chelsea have the best squad in the league. They wouldn’t play for a manager they detested last year but the year previous they romped home and they spent millions strengthening since then. I fully expect them to win the league by ten points, no team will live with them.

Did Augero taunt Cahill after the og?

I don’t think they have the best squad, I think they have the best manager though.

Hazard and Costa seem to be players who need to handled carefully and Conte is getting the best out of them.

If Liverpool fall away this year, which I don’t expect them to, it would be a serious disappointment. With a manager being paid £7m a year and one of the most expensively assembled squads in the league, they have to be challenging for titles. If they don’t have an expectation to challenge for titles then they shouldn’t be paying a manager £7m a year.

It’s not all down to Conte.
Their last season with Mourinho is an outlier, rather than being their default behaviour. Two good pros playing well is all.

Hazard has history for being a bit of a shitbag.

He has been roundly criticised for his performances at international level.

Costa is the very essence of a player who when he is not focused he is a liability in his team, he came back last season way overweight and looked like he was trying to get himself sent off in many games.

Two great players but they need to be managed carefully as they are precious type characters.

    👌 ::pint:

Cash bud, soccer has lost its sole

The unkindest cut of all in this decimation of poor mouth choco

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Of course Chelsea have the best squad in the league… They even have another 40 lads loaned out. Pep and Jose earn double what Jurgen does and their squads are worth double of Liverpool’s. Wegner even earns more… Liverpool are certainly a top 5 side but realistically should not be near City, Chelsea or utd considering the spending power and calibre of players those clubs have… Liverpool have been a selling club for the last few years while the likes of those three but players for fun. Before Jose lost the dressing room he romped the league… Conte has added 150m more to that squad. If he doesn’t win the league by at least 8-10 points he should be shot. There’s only one person playing the poor mouth here and that’s you in order to play up Conte. No one is saying that he is not a good manager but he has inherited a lot of talent, easily the best team in the league.

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Liverpool should be near Chelsea and the rest.

You are cribbing about money yet the Liverpool manager is paid more than Conte, it seems money only suits you when you want it to.

They spent about £110m on Kante, Luiz, Alonso and Batshuayi.

Liverpool spent £70m this summer.

United spent £150m.

City spent £140m and another lad on the way in January to push that up to £170m.

Arsneal spent £90m in the summer.

By your logic, Chelsea cannot compete with City and United, yet they are - imagine that.

That Chelsea squad is worth 450m, pal. They have two of the top three players in world football right now in Hazard and Costa- Suarez being the other… the keeper is on par with De Gea as the best in the league and Cahill is easily the best centre half in the league. Like I said, it will be a miracle if Klopp can get that team to within 8 points if Chelsea.

A miracle?

Liverpool have a squad worth £300m.

It would be a miracle if Bournemouth could get within 3 goals of them today.

We know you don’t believe what you are typing here and your argument is weighted in misinformation and inconsistencies.

The likes of Leicester City showed up your Liverpools, Spurs and Arsenal last season.