The English Premier League 2016/17™

Ryan Shawcross did a Ryan Shawcross on a Bournemouth player in the penalty area and got away with it.

Some Watford player scored a ridiculously good goal against relegation contenders Leicester.

Yayas buzzin. Pep :clap:

@Sidney doesn’t see the difference :astonished:

Austin :see_no_evil:

Firmino :smile:

Bad miss from Firmino.

Wickham has equalised for Palace.

Van Dijk has been heroic.

Anichebe scores again for Sunderland

Sunderland 2 up in the relegation 6 pointer V Hull…Hon Moyes

Refreshing to see a manager having the conviction to go with 6 defenders in his starting lineup.

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He has a v limited squad…huge 3 points if they can see it out.

Yaya scores again

Yaya is a great man. Pep should be the one apologising to him

Ah he’s a cunts cunt…will you stop.

Great talent.but his attitude is terrible.

Good shout mate


A wonderful footballer and the main reason Man City have won so much in the last 4 or 5 years

Some of his displays for City last season were disgraceful…

Yeah, what are ya gonna do.

It still is really odd - has Seluk even apologized? Must watch Pep’s post-match later.
