The English Premier League 2016/17™

Does two goals warrant a cake as a mark of gratitude?

What are you following me around like a lost puppy for? I’ve no interest in your tripe.

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Reported you for racism, yet again

God bless you Yaya.

Darmian doesn’t get half enough stick for his gammy sideburns.

Most people focus on what a shit, headless chicken of a footballer he is in fairness.

Do ya reckon he’s that bad? I remember him starting quite well last season when things were going well, and many a good player could look bad under United’s current regime.

Costa gives an irrepressible Chelsea a deserved lead at the Riverside.

Conte’s 3-4-3 is a thing of beauty

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As Capello would say “tactically perfect”.

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We are winning 1 -0 boys

Boro pinning us in now but we’re defending well. Luiz majestic at the back getting his head on everything.

Pedro off the bar after wonderful play by Luiz.

Great chance spurned by Moses on the break after his run split the Boro defence like The Red Sea.

How is Conte coping?

Alonso would be a great player if he’d use his right foot more.

I have Chelsea in last man standing… They best hold on.



Luiz has to be MOTM.

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