The English Premier League 2016/17™

There was a lot of talk beforehand about how big & powerful the Man Utd team is now. If you have those kind of players, you have to play a way to suit them where there are a lot of physical challenges, using your strength to burst through challenges.

But City have just ran & played around them and Utd have barely been able to lay a hand on them.

Silva has smashed another one of the United players! Hilarious!

Nearar a Carlton Palmer than Zidane ???

Welcome to the Premier League Claudio Bravo. Deary me.

Bravo fuck-up, Zlatan scores.

Some finish tbf.

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Great technique from the great one.

The keeper!

Zlatan is still box office.

Some indictment on Utd, that the only thing going for them is a a semi-retired player.

Will make the second half interesting. Utd haven’t had a lookin all day … Football eh.

Claudio is rattled.

Ibra should’ve taken a touch there.

This Bravo fella would Joe Hart a run for his money

That was more Stones’ fault than Bravo

Bravo :hushed:

If you come, you need to clear house. Presume its a case of getting used to playing together. They most likely only met the other day I presume.

Poor by both but as a centre half you should always know what’s going on around you

I’m unwilling to allow a keeper off scot free in any scenario, let alone that one however.

Jose sending for the cavalry.

Penalty and sending off surely.

This cunt Bravo is a disaster.