Greece is utterly fooked. The workers have taken to the streets as the government imposes seriously harsh cutbacks across the board. People are angry, however if Germany and France have to bail out the Greeks the people haven’t seen nothing yet in terms of a financial squeeze. That’s before we even get to Spain and Portugal who many believe are in a worse economic state than the Greeks. Ultimately, all this shows up the Euro for being the phoney makeshift currency it always was,How simple were we to have ever taken it too seriously when countless finance ministers, let alone Taoisaigh/PMs/Heads of state, not to mention government banks and all the worker-bee’s in Brussells all had to have their say on policy? A complete recipe for disaster.
It begs a lot of questions about the whole European project itself but two spring to mind right now
1 How long does the Euro have left?
2 Fooked as we are, how did we manage to escape the fate of Greece?
Fianna Fail
In a few years they will be naming streets, schools, buildings etc after Lenihan.
In memoriam?
Thou shall not fuck with the almighty [size=“7”][color="#2E8B57"]$[/size]
The dollar is still King alright. I love that American saying - “More bang for your Buck”
The all ighty ollar!
China owns all the dollars now
Greece has been an impoverished shit hole for a good 2000 years now so there’s no real news here. Several US states have had to declare bankruptcy and beg the federal government to bail them out, so there’s nothing new there either. All in all this is part and parcel of what a single currency is about. Shit happens. Again, the solution would be to shoot some bankers.
What do you do for a living?
Has anyone ever met a Greek in Ireland? Bearing gifts or not. Do they ever leave the homeland? If their country’s a wreck you’d think there’d be a few around Dublin, not that we’re going well either but still.
There’s a fair few greeks down in Australia, and there’s Nick the Greek in London, after that I’m not sure.
There was a Greek in Baltimore there for a while.
Greek Restaraunt in Malahide, don’t know if the owners are actually Greek though.
It’s sad to see the once-proud Greeks in such a malaise.
the almighty greenback rules
Used work with one. She had a body built for riding.
Greece will probably be a communist country shortly.
Should never have been let into the Euro, the German’s are going to have to nationalise Greece to sort this out.
Boom and yer done
The only solution is for the Germans to take over Greece and rent it back to them or to the Turks