The family unit will be saved by this agenda

It’s ewwwy

same as lads looking to marry their dogs, their brothers, their mate from down the pub, their favourite technology device etc etc

all bets are off now, the horse has bolted

the sanctity of marriage is fucked


HBV’s definition of a marraige is strictly between a man & a woman & whatever couples are at the swingers party that night.

I take the point about marrying their mate from down the pub it’s not really the same as marrying a dog or a technology device. The brother point is qualitatively different as well.

Deviants. Absolute fucking deviants.

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Hetrosexual cousins can marry (according to the Church anyway)

It’s second cousins where the issues arise

The thick end of the wedge continues to emerge. Or submerge. I can’t be sure.

Did divorce not take care of that one a while back?

Where is the depressed thread?

@Nembo_Kid is correct, sick deviant cunts.

Swingers party! :laughing:
@hbv is an ugly cunt, he pays for his sex.

absolutely not, marriage is not meant to be a prison sentance.
maybe try it sometime.


indeed and i probably am and indeed and i do, i also offered to pay for you sunshine, remember that? do you ever lay there at night dreaming of what might have been?

Yeah, I might, but I do remember the old ‘destroying the sanctity of marriage’ line being trotted out with regularity during the divorce referendum.
Were they wrong?

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You did mate, I declined. And nope, I sure don’t.

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were who wrong? locking 2 people into something that has turned destructive for a lifetime does not help maintain the sanctity of marriage. is that your point, that marriage is not worth preserving becuase you cant be locked into it?

bizarre outlook.


I didn’t make any point except that this whole ‘sanctity of marriage’ thing gets trotted out whenever there’s a debate or vote about marriage, as much now as it did back then, and is a scare tactic.
Are you saying that divorce maintains the sanctity of marriage? Did you mention this to your local curate? I’d say he took it well.

Look mate, people’s idea of the sanctity of marriage can be very different, your opinion is as valid as anyone’s.
I just think that rolling out the sanctity of marriage line is beyond old hat at this stage.

Sanctity: 1. holiness, saintliness, or godliness.
2. sacred or hallowed character: the inviolable sanctity of the temple.
3. a sacred thing.

Which has more sanctity, two gay cousins, or HBV and his wife and some hookers?

Serious question.

@HBV 's pockmarked face has more holiness anyway.


Wahey! :smiley: