The first nuke

@anon78624367 this thing was definitely weaponized.

@Watchyourtoes tell em

Aye, but this most likely came from Chinese lads eating bats. What’s the problem?

It always comes from someone who isnt you doing something they shouldn’t and its usually remote. Just don’t believe it. They’ve been doing that for 1000 years. They are the oldest civilisation in the world

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So what’s your point? They were ahead of the curve in diagnosis and analysis but their food standards were behind the curve?
We are where we are etc

Goodnight by the way. I’m bate

Night kid. Keep her lit

Not definite. Have you a theory?

Sure it’s a perfect weapon is it not . Collapse economies. Markets buy the remaining oil for cheap

It isn’t remote for fucksake, Wuhan is a city of 11 million. Look it isn’t xenophobic to describe the origins of a pandemic, the reasons it became a pandemic, and what to do to try and stop it. The WHO and the UN need to step up here once things calm down and lay it on the line for China. Stop this practice of hunting and killing animals in the wild and selling them in open markets. They are well equipped as a totalitarian regime to stamp it out. The West should do the same with deer hunting, etc.

This is the most recent of many epidemics and pandemics that originate in China, their neighbors are well used to dealing with them. The fact they have developed draconian measures to deal with them doesn’t help us much with they hit our shores. But they hit our shores because they originate in China and China doesn’t or cannot control the spread outside China.

China behaved despicably in 2003 at the time of the SARS outbreak, lying through their teeth to deny the outbreak and allowing it spread. Luckily that one was shut down fairly quickly, mostly because it was so virulent and hospitalized or killed people quickly. This time they were well aware of the outbreak in December, said nothing, denied the CDC entry in mid January when they wanted to help (the CDC who stopped the Ebola outbreak in 2014), and allowed 5 million potential carriers out of Wuhan before January 21. Call a spade a spade, they were delinquent cunts.

Is that what you would call global citizens? The loons taking potshots from the sidelines at Western governments trying to deal with this pandemic refuse to lay the blame where it belongs, cultural practices in China and a Chinese government who are secretive and controlling and will only tell the truth if it’s blindingly obvious. Time to tell them this is it, no fucking more of it.


Explain mad cow disease ?

Horrendous animal feedstuff management. Only effects those that eat the mad cow though, not transmittable.

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You seem to think this is by an accident. Chicken poo been eating by a bat that a human ate . Any chink worth his salt could have engineered this in a lab and released it into a food market .

A bit speculative and borderline conspiracy thinking. Most likely hopped from a bat to another animal and then from that animal to a human before going to the market or at the market.

It’s not xenophobic, these viruses are stemming from an unnatural relationship with food and food sources. SARS spread from the same thing. And more will spread…a lot of these animals, like bats, carry some of the most deadly bacteria on the planet, that’s harmless to them but not us…then you mix them and slaughter them together snd it’s a powder keg waiting to go off.

I think China needs to be seriously confronted about this once the episode subsides. We’ll have another outbreak in a few years if we don’t… The bat eating bastards.


great post… except, viruses not bacteria.

I see @anon78624367 made an absolute show of himself here last night.

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A jellied eel is the equivalent of a slab of rare civet cat.

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We shouldn’t look for the cause of this outbreak because that might be RACIST!!!

Somebody thought it was transmittable as I wasn’t allowed donate blood until this year as I lived in what they called part of the UK at the time