The future of TFK

The first statement is good.

The second one is not. Tinnion has already covered that off with the lack of goalkeepers.

Why do both teams have more than 1 goal?

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 601926”]
From that diagram, Rocko’s position looks good. No keeper so just intercept the ball in our half and launch it forward to him. Certain goal, even to the likes of Rocko.[/quote]



TFK are in the mire and I’m beginning to feel like some people are taking the piss.

You came up with the diagram, mate.

To help Rocko.

How far in the mire exactly?

3rd place. 7 points off top. Halfway through the season.

Fucking disgraceful. :angry:

Well sub standard diagrams won’t help the cause

Who knew the TFK supporters were so pedantic?

Lads, I’m bored.

Nor will incorrect statements like Clarkey’s second last post.

Second last.

Roughly halfway through the season.

Me too. What the hell has Andy Pettitte got to do with it?

How’s Ball Ox, Flano? Does he ever talk about me?

I can confirm that rocko is currently somewhat tired and emotional. I have assured him that I will look after the place for him. In my absence Bandage will take over.


Larry has just thrown a very large cat in with the pigeons, There was always going to be a power struggle with rocko away for his vasectomy, I had assumed bandage and the dunph would battle it out but this is a shocker

gute wunsche von rheinland pfalz, rocko

get well rocko. im sure bandage will be an able deputy.