The Galway Criticism Thread

:+1: OK bud

Renard’s West?

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It’s the go to spot for the Ros na Run lovelies I hear

They’d probably do a Ros na Runner if they saw me coming in

The bould Vinny! Worked with him years ago.

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Have they no worms?

Are you saying your waguide?

Yeah that’s him

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I know another vinny in moycullen.

There’s only one Vinny in Moycullen

There’s actually two at least, and I suspect there may be more.


Fuck her right in the pussy


Things are getting heated, another big rally today

“Go back to sewer “

Is that far right Gerry Kinneavy character the same person as the referee or is it a different person

Poor Joe getting it again…a milkshake ended up over the English chap…the lad on the end looks like he’s made be there…stupid cunts should fuck off with this shit…no place for it