The Galway Criticism Thread


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A scatter of Shanaglish lads no?


First we took Manhattan, then we took, eh, the Galway docks

I’d imagine there’ll be 7,467 objections lodged as soon as it hits planning. 200 lunatics objecting to the Galway ring road and the city basically one large traffic jam.


Its already being built buddy

Hallegedly hallegedly

Good to see Galway following Limerick’s (questionable) lead here by shoving a load of buildings into space which could be used to expand public transport capacity.

That’s right, a couple of lads I went to school with made a decent aul’ documentary on it.


Galway is tiny, a few buses would do them the finest if they got the cars out of the city

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Roof the footpaths and you wouldn’t even need buses

That development is absolutely fucking hideous. Please God tell me that’s a joke.

Relax Flatty. The new underground Galway Metro will sort it all. The lads running the Galway 2020 are managing the project.


Anything is an improvement on whats currently there

That isn’t

cc @TreatyStones @Julio_Geordio etc etc

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1 hr

The much maligned and neglected Corrib Great Southern Hotel, once the jewel in Galway’s tourism crown, on fire again this morning, for the tenth or more time in as many years. Every piece of city-based fire equipment and personnel is here managing this dangerous situation. This is a huge and important site. Owned and ignored by the billionaire Glenamaddy-born, Comer brothers, it has deteriorated exponentially since they bought it in 2012. Surely ownership of this most iconic, gateway-site, close to the city centre, comes with a responsibility to maintain, protect and develop. Apparently not. The Comers preside over a dangerous building with apparent distain and contempt for Galway. Our city corporation is complicit in this debacle also. Imagine living near this eyesore that towers over the eastern entrance to Galway? Meantime the GMIT campus right next door is starved of accommodation, parking and expansion space. The city ignores. The mind boggles. The heart despairs. Galway, European Capital of Culture 2020. #Shame

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I suspect it’s targeted neglect

Impressive to make anything catch fire in this weather

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The fine folks at the Lantern messing again

Those Comers are some hungry fuckers. Billionaires already and they leave buildings in their home city go to ruin.

Thank God JP isn’t like them, a man all of Limerick can be proud of.

It looks like it will destroy Galway.

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