The Galway Criticism Thread

A fantastic expression :rofl:


It sounds like it could have been Denny the Pig.

@anon7035031 is gone gone…won’t be back.

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It’s apparent when you don’t agree with the lefty liberal point of view you are a racist far right fascist. You open your mouth and express your thoughts and if by any chance though your thoughts don’t match up with the lefty orthodoxy, then you’re a radical far right wing hater and influencer who must be silenced.

You’ve done your bit for the left admin, give yourself a pat on the back.

You can hang your head in shame @Rocko . You banned a very reasonable man from this forum. You clown.

@rocko is a bleeding heart leftie but his moderation is fair. Labane has not been banned.

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Why all the talk of him been banned?

I apologise @Rocko. There’s no clarity here.


@anon7035031 had an observation leveled against him that he was on the autism spectrum, and he got a bit upset by it. He has taken to the bed.

That wasn’t a sly insult apparently, the forum good guy was making a kind observation something something.


Thank you for being truthful. Jesus… What silly cunt was saying things like that? Trying to undermine a person in that way is such a lowlife thing to do. Can’t beat his intellect you soil his intellect with that tactic. Oooh Jesus help us, whoever it was who started off with that kind of stuff is some fucking idiot.

@anon7035031 is just taking a breather. Very tiring carrying so may far right fruitcakes on your back every day. He is fairly driven demented by it actually

@anon7035031 hasn’t been banned. I have it on good authority he’s guarding a statue for the past week and his phone ran out of charge.



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Is that @flattythehurdler’s proposed new gaff?