The Glorious 12th of July

Congratulations to @Ambrose_McNulty and @anon61878697

Golf gloves are sold out up in the North . Can’t find any for my red right hand.

Utter shit

The gga is a bigoted organisation with xenophobic rules

Name one

Bon fires are down — bonfire related calls to emergency services are down … A lot of middle protestants are walking away from this archaic practice — that and protestants are being bred out of the north.

Ban on foreign dancing


Middle class Protestants rarely had anything to do with 11 th night bonfires , It was always a working class phenomenon and seemingly as deprivation grew in these areas likewise the “beacons for ulster “

A GGA clubhouse near me used to have salsa classes and did line dancing during its time .

Did you snitch on then to hq

Have a glorious twelfth lads, and don’t forget the bating yis were handed in 1690 by the uvf

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Enjoy the big day @Locke @Fran @Piles_Hussain and the rest of our protestant members.


And pretend Protestants @GeoffreyBoycott, @TheUlteriorMotive and @Tim_Riggins

And sychophants to protestants @mac and @padjo

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of course it is working class
who support sinn fein here - working class
who support brexit in UK - working class

working class are the bane of society and are incapable of making decisions for the greater good
they attach themselves to protest movement and are gullible simpletons who are pawns in a power game
they’ll try to tell you otherwise in their own inarticulate way but usually resort to violence, racism and xenophobia when push comes to shove

working class have no shame and no dignity whatsoever - if you live here and tick SF on a ballot paper then you have joined that horde


Hope you and the family enjoy the celebrations on Brisbane buddy

I’m in noosa mate

Who is noosa mate? Your sister in law?

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What if you just aspire to be working class- like that lad on the US Politics thread?