The Glorious 12th of July


The GGA attempted to radically change society. Association football was of the most popular games, if not the most popular, in the country and the GGA continually attempted to destroy it. Rugby football, a less popular sport, got the same. Ditto all “English” sports played widely by the population. The Galliban though, much like Unionism, used intimidation and the wheels of Government to pursue their agenda.

The GGA has never represented Ireland.

And except as you mention, you won’t exactly give the Catholic Church a pass do you?

And so what? Protestants have been and always should be apart of society. That is nothing to do with what I am saying about Toxic Republicanism, which the GGA still widely engages in.

The reaction to this by the Galliban and others on here said it all.

You’ve a very narrow, limited, view on life…

You are comparing a past version of the GAA with the current version of the Orange Order. Why are you doing that mate? Is it because your already pretty flimsy argument would completely fall apart otherwise?


Being apart is certainly the Orange Orders MO. Would it not be better if they were a part of society?

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Go to a thomond game or a Richmond game and you won’t find any middle class playing for them. Not one.

Your reaction was telling, you decided to jump head first into an issue you knew fuck all about based on a headline on a dreadfully written article which played to your own bigoted confirmation biases.

And you were made clean fucking shit of.

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Forgot about Richmond … All good working class boys alright.

im going to wear a glentoran jersey to work tomorrow

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I can’t remember the last time thousands of GAA members went out burning Union Jacks, DUP posters, kill all hun banners etc then got shitfaced and attacked Protestant estates and the forces of law and order. :thinking:

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Hard to see GAA members burning the tricolour, but sure.

Edit complete my Midlands buddy

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Makes a change to be fair.

Lot of lads could do with putting the phones away for the weekend.

Talk to me about these strange photos lads:

  • why are the RA not beating the shit of these fuckwits?
  • I assume every nationalist politician will condemn this shite?
  • is this all an elaborate wind-up to see if the cops stop the burning of union jacks but not tricolours?

Never mind nationalist politicians, the absolute state of political unionism is embarrassing. Their silence is pathetic.

Homes being boarded up, people being evacuated, fire brigades spraying foam on the dwellings in advance of these bonfires, threats being daubed on walls and these fucks taking over public property and forcing the closure of businesses.

All against the backdrop of complete silence from their political leaders.


It’s in unionist politicians’ interests to keep the hatred going. It’s what they’re elected to do.

Why don’t the lads fire a petrol bomb on them a day or two early, bit of bantz like.

You might miss and hit the bonfire


Our revenge will be the laughter of our children.

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You’d better get a move on so pal…