The Glorious 12th of July

Nice show on the Twelfth on the National Broadcaster here at the moment.

I support all people being treated equally regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or Religious beliefs. If you have evidence to the contrary post it up and we can discuss it.

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You can chalk that down.

I dont like cider

Drumcree was a week before the 12th usually, don’t know if that made a difference

Was still on a Sunday

Meh you’re forever defending the US equivalent of the RUC.

There was one year they agreed to let them down the Ormeau road but they deliberately delayed and banged the drums louder outside that Sean Graham bookies where an innocent Taig was butchered. That was the end of that in terms of compromise

I don’t defend bad cops. Comparisons with the RUC are utterly stupid. How many RUC members were charged or convicted for murders they were involved in?

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New signs this year

Read the replies




It appears that there will be a full programme of cultural celebrations this year but they will be smaller and more localised. Brethren have adapted by increasing the number of parades to accommodate everyone. About 100 in total. There’ll be 7 in Fermanagh alone and 6 in Belfast.

This is terrible

What did Drogba and the boys ever do to them? Or is it more Sachin Tendulkar

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