The Glorious 12th of July

I couldn’t understand a word any of them cunts were saying. Was that Scotch that the were squeaking?

I heard one person say Holy Shit, that’s about all I could understand. Something about it being out in the road and nearly hitting the car.

A mole on the ground from Kilrea assures me it is residual bitterness in the Oak Leaf county over losing the 1998 league final to Offaly .

Serious question, what is the idea or the tradition behind the bonfires? Were they used as a way for King Billy to get home back in the day or something?

That’s what I heard. Only other way round. Hed never been on these shores before. So when he landed the bonfires were there to guide him up the north

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When did the flags etc on bonfires become a thing?

Ask the lads from Doon & Oola


I see palets protruding from some bonfires. Do they put something on them at the last minute?

Cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

Hope our northern brethern stay safe tonight

Judging by the traffic going through Letterkenny this week there isn’t a non-Loyalist left behind.

Nothing strange there on the 12th. They’re all welcome, as always.
Tight when you have to flee, year in…year out.

Most of the bonfires were burnt last night. The good Christians that run the main one in the town here wouldn’t have a bonfire on the sabbath so had it last night instead, with dozens of UVF and Red Hand Commando flags flying at the site to add colour.

I dunno why the woke warriors in the Irish government are so silent on the issue of images of Irish people and symbols being burnt and disrespected like goes on with this rubbish.

If it was images of blacks or Muslims being burnt then we’d have any amount of wailing from the Irish times et all


Imagine the uproar if Israel were burning effigies of Palestinians?


It’s simple. It suits them to “both sides” anything that happens in the north.


Where do they get all the pallets from? :thinking:


They burn real ones instead and there is little or no uproar.