The Glorious 12th of July

Thatā€™s a relief that the National Broadcaster is still screening the highlight package of the Cultural Celebrations.

Big day out on Saturday for the Eire brethren in Rosnowlagh.

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Itā€™s amusing that the guy who spends a lot of time giving out about Nazis is now promoting Nazis.

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Would be very unusual for Nazis to fly Israeli flags, but whatever.

Nazis is as Nazis does.

Nazis like Sean South and Dan Breen.

How much do those blue pallets go for these days?
Many years ago I worked in a biggish warehouse, we could get 2e apiece for europallets in good condition, I believe they were sold in for 5e, nobody was allowed to deal in blue pallets, but they were of equal or higher quality

Brethren were to the forefront with your grandfather on taking the fight to the war mongering Nazis.

Chep (blue) pallets are a racket

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Arenā€™t they always owned by Chep or something? You canā€™t buy and sell them

Yeah,.contract for supply. Should listen to their sales guys blabber on about the differences for their pallets versus others. All bollocks

There was a rumour years ago that they used to fly helicopters around checking for stashes of blue pallets

Thereā€™s only one authority here on the quality of pallets may he RIeP

The big day out for Eire brethren at the beach in Rossnowlagh tomorrow. Anyone up that part of the world heading along to it?

There once was a bloke called King Billy,
Whose fans marched about looking silly,
But hereā€™s the weird bit:
He wasnā€™t even a Brit,
And liked young men to suck on his willy.

Weather forecast is not great for the loyal sons of Ulster on the glorious 12th
Iā€™m sure the Pastors will offer up a few prayers at services this weekend

Its back


High tide in Rossnowlagh at 2.45pm tomorrow. Brethren have been advised not to park on the beach.

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If it had been tomorrow night they could have saved money on the cremation.


Natural selection at its finest.


God love the poor Ukrainians moved there. Hopefully someone explained it