The good climate news Thread, what diesel cage should I buy -wtf?

I haven’t a clue. I just remember why they first being touted they were saying the land wouldn’t have to be idle, you could graze smaller animals and have the panels. Sounded like a great solution. I noticed a heap of them the last time I was landing in Dublin, which I was surprised at. I would have thought that was all high value land, agricultural or otherwise.

I’d have no issue other than the possible plethora of power lines and substations required. But once the lines are buried and the stations aren’t an eyesore and out of keeping with the area or near residential areas job should be oxo

It’s all nonsense.

The planet goes through natural cycles of extinction. These happen over the course of millions of years… We’ve entered one - life on the planet is dying at an incredible rate… Our species probably only have a few million years left. No point fighting the inevitable with nonsense like bottle refund schemes.

We should be looking to spread out in the galaxy if anything, earth is done for about 10 or so million years.


I’d be cool with that. I suspect these solar farms are a sham and a way for developers to cream up more cash but Shur power on at it away for what it’s worth.

was there a science module as part of your history degree mate?

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Pincelli Hull and her team have brilliantly demonstrated cycles of global warming in the past. In fact she gave a great paper on global warming in the Cretaceous era about 200,000 years before the meteorite hit . Life had already entered an extinction phase… The meteorite actually helped cool the planet and restored temps to mote suitable for life to thrive.


is that a no?

Monosyllabic smart alecisms are no match for scholarship and common sense.


Outstanding,but when are my bills coming down is what I want to know.

if you have solar panels, your bills will come down instantly

Spend 10k on solar panels and you will save €100 a month.


or go with a company that has no upfront costs & the savings in electricity covers the cost of the panels

Tell me more mate.

List them out there please,the goalposts are continuously moving with these green hoors.

Save you more I think if they’re well positioned. And they don’t cost 10k

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lets go after agriculture next

It’s all a scam

Michael S. Taylor on X: “This starts to change the game. Basically solar+storage is about to eat EVERYONES lunch where there is a half decent solar resource” / X (