The good climate news Thread, what diesel cage should I buy -wtf?

Plenty of the local schools here got them over the past year.

also they can sell back to grid
Norma slow with the rollout

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That’s class (huehuehue)

She looks it anyways

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Great news but when will my electricity get back to a reasonable price per KW

Ps. They are never coming down. All this good news comes at a cost….

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in relation to which of the points is this?

whats the cost with this good news?

“my kids having a future only works for me if its cost neutral”

Do you want to explain why you tag me on topics you know I seemingly can’t reply in or is that you just like to run away?

The schools scheme seems to be a waste of the available space. Free fit for the equivalent of an average house. That won’t help much with the schools supply when demand is highest in winter but a higher export credit in a bigger system would surely be more beneficial all round.

Are school projects confined to a 6kw invertor?

I think so. A waste of so much roof for national generation.

Can you fact check your point please

they are correct, primary schools get to retrofit a 6kw panel system for a school. Something that would just about cover a standard house.

it all helps and all that craic, but a complete waste.

The TGDs for new secondary schools also has a PV panel inclusion. It would probably do enough to keep the kettles going for a day. Again, a complete waste of potential resources.

As someone said earlier, its win win for the government to install much larger resources. Not only does it keep the school running, but come summer time there is large export potential when the schools are shut. Some sort of incentive to install for free and let the export in summer time go back on the pay back or something. But putting piddly amounts on massive school roofs does fuck all in the scheme of things.


Seems counter intuitive

Yeah on a similar vein, for years new schools got rainwater harvesting tanks to service grey water for schools, but now because the payback financially is so long (70 years +) they are now not recommending any rainwater harvesting for schools. There needs to be a view other than the economics of it really. Spend millions on a school, but not 30k on tanks for reusable water resources.

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Greens need to get education

Their ban on homework is a great policy

Fact check ? :smile:

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Don’t know about that. Their seemingly inability to spell doesn’t look good for the future.