The good climate news Thread, what diesel cage should I buy -wtf?

How dare you

Principals hardly give a fuck about the electricity bill i imagine? Adoption in schools needs to come from the dept of education. Mandate a roll out.

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Sure whats the point of green energy when we are starving. Its about effective management of space. We have technology that is roof mounted, between the average pitch of an irish roof and average latitude for ireland we are in an ideal range to maximise the angle of incidence to maximise solar gain. All that empty roof space has no other function bar keeping the interior of the building dry. Maximise the use of that, add in off shore wimd we wpuld easily cover the energy requirements of this country plus loads to export. No point in wasting good farming land.

Your issue is no practical its ideological

We import our food mate, protein shakes is what oirish agriculture produces

If we dont make the protein ahakes who will? Add in the same process is used for baby formula who will make that

Why cant we have both. Roof mounted solar is very practical and uncontroversial to implement

We have loads of schemes fpr roof mounted solar

They absolutely do. They have to pay that bill from their budget and big bills take up huge chunks of their annual spending.

The Government doesn’t pay the ESB bill. It’s why half the schools are freezing because they can’t afford to have the heat on

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But we are way off our climate targets, wouldnt it be more appropriate to put €1 Billion euro straight into installing systems onto homes? As i said use the excess generated to pay back the value of panels over 10/15 years with free electricity for the homes.

Back of a fag box calculation a billion would put 16 panels (6kw) onto 100,000 homes. Approx 6MW per house per year will add 600 GW to the irish grid a year that we dont need to import fossil fuels

We are hitting our energy targets mate

Its transport and agriculture letting us down

So we destroy our agriculture economy to stop climate change so we will have to import food, increasing transport needs?

Why not completely decarbonise our energy sector, become self sufficient for energy and export green energy to offset emissions from agriculture? We can aso be food self sufficient and export.

Again you’re blinded by ideology


We import all of our food at the moment mate

Not dairy or meat bro

And we are wasting land with solar farms

Yep, we dont import beef steaks

Better solar than potein shakes

Ireland could feed itself with just 14 per cent of its land. We’re very well placed to have food security which is going to be a big issue as climate change turns the world to a desert.

By contrast Italy would need 96% of its land to be self sufficient.


Whey is only a small bi product of milk production pal. Less than 15% I’d guess…

Milk and cheese.

It’s a fuckin cod like everything else this shambles of a government do

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You are some man for what aboutery. You have been given viable solutions to combat climate change with figures yet you say look over there at a very small issue

I didn’t realise this. So the govt are offering free panels (@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy - please confirm, citing references) and principals under budget pressures from escalating energy costs aren’t taking them up on the offer?