The good climate news Thread, what diesel cage should I buy -wtf?


@admins please reach out to Assaad and ask tell him about his followers on TFK?

My local cafe in Dublin 5 is no longer stocking milk sourced from cows, as they believe farmers are intent on killing the planet & us all (cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy).

great to hear but im deeply uncomfortable with the term milk

what cafe?

Australia isnt a real place

it will be a free country long before oireland mate

I’d prefer not to say publicly, as awkward squad members on their way back from frightening children in Raheny Library might attack the premises.


good shout

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The tweet soumded interesting and would be an interesting concept. But the video mentioned bill gates, im very wary of anythimg that cunt is at

You wary of using microsoft excel for spreadsheets mate?

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Ah that’s lovely. Here’s the amount of coal they export.

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What do ypu expect when you sell your minerals to the Chinese

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy this is a concept I could get behind:

What are 'sponge cities' and how can they prevent floods? - Climate Champions.


All hail the sponge cities


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