New funding arrangement with the government announced this morning.


What do you think?

Can’t bate an auld shouldering contest. Good to see he remembers his roots

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Kenny playfully giving the lined up players a few slaps in the rib cage on the Six One sport news report there. He’s such a fucking eejit.

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Fuck me but that’s a bitter little article.

I don’t consider mileage part of my salary, and if someone offered me 13p a mile I’d be parking my car at the office and looking for alternative arrangements.


GPA and ESRI link up for research project.

cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

He’ll be conflicted here

Thanks Bandage

Ill peruse it over lunch


Noel Connors on the news talking about this research project and how it’s a case of inter-county players “losing years of your life”, how it’s not just group training and games but solo recovery sessions completed “on their days off” arising from players these days being bigger, faster and stronger. It seems like it’s awful being a county player. You’d wonder why he bothers.


They are fucktards.

I have less and less time for them as a group as time goes on.

Its very simple. Play if you want. Or don’t.


That’s very simplistic @Bandage @caoimhaoin

Any lad who takes health and fitness seriously as a hobby is doing those sessions. Exercising is the new socialising.


Whats complicated about it?

If it was Pat Horgan you wouldn’t pass comment

I would. I’ve been saying it for years. The people who make the least out of the GAA are the people putting the most into it, the players, without whom the finances of the association would collapse and the cottage industry that has built up of managers physios coaches stats men and so on, all of whom get more of a cut than the players would be left with their hands hanging.


Did I not hear mention of an aul grant?

A pittance compared to what some county managers and their hangers on draw out of it.

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They should jack in the auld playing and move into management earlier so.

Why should they. Playing is what they are best at.