GAA is his job mate

That lad played basketball too but I don’t hear him having a go at the NBA.

It’d be more in his line to have a go at Basketball Ireland you’d imagine if that was the case, but I very much doubt lads get too worked up about basketball to the extent lunatic trainers do about the GAA.

Basketball Ireland? You don’t say.

There’s an immense abdication of personal responsibility when it comes to the GAA.

[QUOTE=“Appendage, post: 1102633, member: 11”]Basketball Ireland? You don’t say.

There’s an immense abdication of personal responsibility when it comes to the GAA.[/QUOTE]
I’m a firm believer in players fucking right off when moaning about how difficult it is to play GAA at the top level, but at the same time the GPA seems more concerned with junkets to the US to promote some shitty 12’s competitions in Notre Dame and hiding Dessies salary than it does players a lot of the time. Generally I just appreciate anyone having a crack off Dessie and his cronies.

The GPA do a lot more than junkets.

Des Cahill tweeted out an interview carried out by David Collins and Mark Shutte on the GPA’s latest overseas junket while in Boston. Seems the lads couldn’t get their holes for love nor money.

Another junket for the lads :clap:

Where’s this now

Boston at the mickey mouse hurling match.

Cusack looks like Hitler.

I presume that would make that cunt Dessie Goebbels.

Seamus Hickey has been elected as the new chairman of the GPA, replacing Donal Óg Cusack. Paul Flynn elected as secretary

Well suited.

That’s a really dumb move by Hickey.

He’ll fucking love it. Suit his ego down to the ground.

Do they get paid for that?

If he’s finished hurling then let him at it. However if he’s not it’s very thick. Teej should give him plenty of time to focus on it .

“Down to the ground” being an excellent choice of words. In fairness, it’ll probably be harder for him to constantly lose his footing when he’s sitting down giving press conferences.

is there anything to do with the GPA that isn’t money driven?

What does this Hickey lad work at?