The great PJ McManus


You’re pathetic.

Of course the PR machine are playing it down. I personally don’t see it as a huge story but it’s being printed and reported and I’m sure there will be more print to follow. I don’t see what your issue is but I wish you well in your endeavours.

There is one common theme emerging from the last 100 posts or so on this thread.

No one reads the papers :clap:

I’m just noting the double standards of those who are adamant this story should not be covered.

Where were they reported on TFK?

You’re full of shit as usual.

Another song for @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy
Mind yourself, cratur.

Why is @FatChops so triggered by this?

The Dundon/McManus faction must have me confused with a poster who can be coerced or silenced.

You poor oul divil.

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That article doesn’t mention anything about the poor girl taking drugs mate. Big error on your behalf.

Neither does the article of McManus daughter in law in relation to her death. The implication is there though in both stories.

Odd though that you see it fine for a 19 year old unknown girl from Galway plastered all over the papers, the lads @Fagan_ODowd mentioned, the lad from Tipp.

But your outrage only becomes obvious when its the family of a billionaire who have their privacy invaded.

As usual you have done your stock “ignorance” line - “I was unaware, I do not read the papers, I never heard that”. Should you not shut the fuck up if that’s the case? You usually only decide to play the ignorance card when you are exposed as a haughty bullshitter who attempts to put himself up on some moral pedestal but in fact it’s all a hollow act to stand up for official Ireland.

Ireland, Ireland, together standing tall.
Shoulder to shoulder
We’ll answer Irelands call


Stock line of “triggered” or “extremely triggered” anyone?

Still no evidence of concealment, no?

You seem to want it to though? I’m consistent on this, I don’t think the details of the death should be released unless the family are happy for it be released. The Clonmel chap’s parents turned it into an anti drugs message which is admirable.

Do I?

I think you’ll find I entered this thread due to the fact that a cohort of posters including you felt that this should not be reported on, you being one of them.

I have pointed out to you that you were very quiet on similar matters and you feigned ignorance. Why are you such an ignorant man and why would such an ignorant man like you feel the need to go out on a limb to defend something when you acknowledge you are completely ignorant.

Once again you have made a holy show of yourself and your pathetic, hypocritical moralising.

No evidence?

The son is trying to conceal the toxicology results? Why are you triggered by posts discussing this matter?

Any answer to what prompts such hysterical reactions from you?

You were in this thread before me I think you’ll find.

I’m happy that I’ve been consistent on this issue. You seem to want me to show where I called for privacy in similar cases by bringing the cases themselves to the forum, which would be counter productive I’m sure you’ll agree

The only consistency is that you have shown yourself to be a hypocrite across a number of platforms for Official Ireland. You have tied yourself in knots feigning ignorance and trying to justify other similar incidents.

It’s pathetic.

I’m interested in your assertion that the press are involved in concealing something. If you are right then that’s very worrying.

The attempt by the family involved to keep this private is their own business. Its understandable from their point of view, in my opinion.

But any claim that the press are suppressing the story should stand on its own merits. You made that claim but have not backed it up with anything.

You’ve over-reached and now you’re turning on everyone and it’s great entertainment!


Ok, you seem like you won’t rest until a young mother’s name is dragged through the mud so I’ll let you off