The great PJ McManus

Iā€™m extremely worried about your daily meltdowns tbh.


Possibly but he will surely explain why in these times they are still being transported?

In tins

I had to put Harry on ignore sorry for the delay. amazingly enough they havenā€™t banned covering mares or travelling to do so. Coolmore and other stud farms are still flying it as far as Iā€™m aware. Presume the likes of magnier and jp have so much power they canā€™t be told what to do. Iā€™m not positive on England but the queens place had stuff up on twitter they were still going ahead. There could be five million worth of coverings a day in ballydoyle and their other studs in Ireland. No tax of course.

I care, mate.

Itā€™s fucking rotten. And all their staff likely working 60 hour weeks for shite money

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grants of 70 million
no tax on profits
acting in their own self interest ahead the national interest in the time of a national crisis
a cruel sport
ruins 1000s of lives through gambling


For a change, Iā€™m in full agreement. Itā€™s rotten

disappointed with the passive agressive tone of that post

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The one good thing that might come from this whole pandemic is the way people look at the world and might see whatā€™s really important. Obviously this isnā€™t the case for everyone. Iā€™m not sure how they are allowed continue but I do now dairy farmers can continue to A.I cows so I presume itā€™s some sort of loophole like that albeit Iā€™m not certain. I havenā€™t seen it brought up either to be fair. Anyway Mac I hope you and the family are well.

Iā€™ll disappoint you with a box

Hard to argue.
The artists had their tax breaks removed. I suppose coolmore are too powerful.
It seems extremely unfair.


:hugs: :hugs:

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Presume all the coverings take place in Coolmore.

I donā€™t live a big distance from Coolmore and tbf they are highly thought of as they employ big in the hinterland.

But more & more negative feelings are rumbling as they are buying up farmland everywhere. Blowing local lads bordering land out of it.

Think Maginer has purchased Cashel Mart too if rumours are correct.

Hard to compete with lads not paying fair tax.
Itā€™s just a different form of settler ascendancy.
Itā€™s morally wrong, and, imho, dangerous, as the wealth and power of the country become increasingly invested in a handful of oligarchies.


We are becoming like America. A tiny percentage has the vast majority of the wealth.

Is there one positive thing about horse racing? Even one?

It winds a simpleton like you up no end.

Thatā€™s all you can come up with? I mean if thatā€™s the reason for continuing it then Iā€™m much more important than I previously thought.

Be kind, bro.