The great PJ McManus

Theyā€™ve been excellent on many things in the past.
Was it PJā€™s daughter, or daughter in law?

The latter

I thought they were very reputable no?

The Green Monkey is the name of the Sandy Lane golf course so I would say thereā€™s a fair chance thatā€™s correct.

What do the say? one generation to earn it, one to conserve it and the a fella comes along and squanders it.

Seen a lot of the proddy horsey type in huge county piles that are in very bad repair. I also heard theyre very bad payers, from professional fees to the local man cutting the lawns.

Thereā€™s monkeys all over that place.

You see that here too. Asset rich but fuck all cash. So the
Obvious next step is to stop paying people.

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After the gatherer comes the spreader is the saying at home in East Limerick

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Clogs to clogs in three generations is the north of England saying.

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A friend of my Dads got an awful dose there before Christmas. Single fella, farmer, pure gentleman.

Any work heā€™d ever do, heā€™d never talk getting paid but would always be way more than reasonable with his fee. Way more.

Cutting the lawns for this crowd for just over a year. Big lawn as well, Iā€™d say an acre at least. ā€œIā€™ll drop ye in the bill there next weekā€. They reply ā€œLeave it till Christmas and we will fix upā€.

He comes across the fella in town Christmas week. ā€œWill you do the lawns next year for us?ā€

ā€œI will of course only weā€™ve to fix up for this year first.ā€

You wouldnā€™t fucking credit this, but yer man says to him ā€œWellā€¦if thatā€™s the way you feel about it, donā€™t bother, weā€™ll get someone else.ā€

Donā€™t know has he been paid for it yet. Iā€™d doubt it, Iā€™d say he wouldnā€™t even have been looking for much more than about ā‚¬300.


Roman roy is salt of the earth

The Phoenix is around a while and doesnā€™t follow the establishment line. They might not always hit the mark but you need a publication like that in a functioning democracy.



Just like you need a Richard Boyd Barrett and Paul Murphy, although a few is enough.

To balance your crowd

Which one of them? Sounds like the daughters fella.

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Hungry cunts everywhere

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Seems fr Chris is getting grief now. Iā€™m struggling to believe he flew out to this.

How could Fr Chris get any grief? He was asked to fly out to assist a family in distress after someone died prematurely?

That man is the closest thing to a living Saint there is FFS!


Iā€™d imagine thereā€™s some people of a certain vintage very angry over not being able to go mass :sweat_smile:I didnā€™t think heā€™d have gone. He is an alright sort in fairness.

Fr Chris is a remarkable fella, I think he should be the top priest in Ireland, is that the Diarmaid Martin job? They gave it to another dull codger

He has a great way about him (Chris)