The great PJ McManus

Well I dont remember a whole lot about it. All I know is that we had to stay an extra night in the hotel as both myself and the misses were sippin until about 6 the following morning.

Thatā€™s a great story

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Mike really playing up his twee simpleton image tonight

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Shur Iā€™m as thick as a plank. Thatā€™s been obvious for the last 5 years or so.

It took them years to find a plank thick enoughā€¦

Itā€™s our satellite village

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And then he tried to make a table out of it.

Most of the county is



Shame they wouldnā€™t feed their own staff still back there.

There was always gonna be one :rofl:

No ride last night chief?


What did JP do this time pal

Has Kirby lost a couple of stone?

He has, walking in and out to the city most days.

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How do you mishear ā€˜we were doing a little cocaineā€™ ?.. Then again, as seen by recent sports interviews, the Irish accent is a tough one for the uninitiated.

I donā€™t like cocaine, I just like the smell of it

  • We were a little cold, hey?
  • We were going to a little cafe
  • We were singing to Mooreā€™s version of Lake Pontchartrain
  • Hereā€™s a briefcase of dosh, shut your mouth, you misheard.