The great PJ McManus

I’m interested in your assertion that the press are involved in concealing something. If you are right then that’s very worrying.

The attempt by the family involved to keep this private is their own business. Its understandable from their point of view, in my opinion.

But any claim that the press are suppressing the story should stand on its own merits. You made that claim but have not backed it up with anything.

You’ve over-reached and now you’re turning on everyone and it’s great entertainment!


Ok, you seem like you won’t rest until a young mother’s name is dragged through the mud so I’ll let you off

Just noting how you only find you moral compass when it comes to Official Ireland.


Is JP McManus official Ireland? He’s a tax cheat

Why can’t you explain to the forum why you are triggered?

Are you embarrassed? You seem a little if I’m honest.

Of course he’s official Ireland.

If he wasn’t you’d be using the flexibility of your morals to be on the opposite stance.

My stance has nothing to do with JP McManus. You seem unable to believe that somebody would have sympathy for the woman who died in all of this

You are tremendous value!

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So it’s a happy coincidence you never saw fit to call out any reporting on drug related deaths before?


I asked you to find where one was discussed on TFK before and you brought up one that didn’t even mention drugs.

Why did you think it was in the drugs thread?

Is the stupidity not really an act and you actually are that thick?

Where is drugs mentioned in relation to the death with McManus. Nowhere just like the young girl in Galway.

But this is the sort of pathetic double standards you engage in.

TFK posters speculated on drugs, not the media.

Is that not what is happening here?

Odd that you didn’t find your voice for the family of an ordinary girl but you did find it for the family of an Official Ireland billionaire.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy has a fundamental misunderstanding of what mainstream media is. It appeals to the common man and his interests, such as a gardener growing an unusually large marrow or the likes.

Fulvio thinks the mainstream media should appeal to his own fringe interests akin to an anti-water charges Facebook page railing about Politicians, bankers and the corporations.

Yes that’s exactly what is happening here. You don’t even know what you’re arguing about any more :laughing:

You see that’s you has the issue.

Journalism is meant to report on matters not spin them or suppress them. You are probably just too stupid to realise that.


What I have called out here is double standards.

So why were you not able to advocate for an ordinary family when you go to great lengths to do do it for a billionaire official Ireland family.

You’ve completely either forgotten your argument or realised you were wrong and pivoted to a different argument.

You were talking about media coverage, and now you’ve spun that to instead talk about what members of TFK have said in different cases.

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I haven’t forgotten at all.

You just seem too fucking stupid or cowardly to address a question I asked.

We’ll try again. Just a happy coincidence?

What reporting on drug related deaths?

The one you linked from earlier about the girl which didn’t mention drugs at all which is the only one you could find on TFK?