The great PJ McManus

Ah hereā€¦

Any evidence of concealment?

The fact they have barely reported on it in two months other than a single article.

So a lack of evidence is now evidence?

You are saying the media have covered this story sufficiently.

How many articles have the Irish Times, Independent and RTE ran on this in the past two months? Must be plentiful considering you are contending it?

Stop. Iā€™m not saying that.

Iā€™m asking you to back up your claim that the press are concealing the story.

You canā€™t.

What was there to report? As soon as the news broke about the inquest being held up theyā€™ve reported bon it. The drugs claim hasnā€™t been confirmed yet

Neither does the one on the death of Emma McManus? It says she died suddenly due to choking on food.

So why do you feel the need for different reactions. Itā€™s very important you actually try and address this.

Why were you triggered to intervene in this case but not the 19 year old girl?

Do you normally find billionaire families more in need of saving?

My reaction is to you, not the media reaction. The media reaction is fine in both cases IMO. You disagree for whatever reason, you think this womanā€™s name should be dragged through the mud

The big dog is only sent out on special occasions. This is curious.

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So thereā€™s the drug thread. Take it up with the posters who commented on her drug related death.

Oh thatā€™s right. You are full of shit.

Is he a proxy account?

Who do you think has the controls? Seems to have a bit of an obsession with me too.


I havenā€™t taken any issue with any posters discussing this womanā€™s death. Iā€™ve taken issue with you wanting her name dragged through the mud in the media.

Your comprehension skills are really lacking today

Answered a host of times. Go back and read the thread.

To quote your good self, ā€œOh thatā€™s right. You are full of shit.ā€

I donā€™t want her name dragged through the mud. Iā€™m just surprised at how little coverage it got in comparison to all the young unknown people who die from drug overdoses and commenting on it.

As per usual you are triggered at commentary on double standards in official Ireland and then claim faux ignorance when you are called out on it.

Itā€™s a bit like how you claimed you didnā€™t know a FF minister down the road sat on information his relative was a child abuser but were moralising about a SF politician a few hundred miles up the road was accused with less foundation. Your levels of ignorance are quite astounding really.


Iā€™ve answered your question numerous times.

You could do me the courtesy of clarifying why you are so triggered by all of this.

Lovely bit of deflection when you know youā€™re beaten.

It all comes back to me criticising your hero Gerry for allowing his brother to continue to work in youth clubs after he knew he was a paedophile abuser for you

Imagine wasting a whole day on this?