The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

Great to see this taking off :clap:

A Matter of Coursing

How mean spirited and obscene
To delight in the demise of the green
With envy unleashed
These savage hounds
Venom coursing through their veins.

Bandage, 28/02/2011

Awful poem.

Ah that’s sheer quality Bandage. Must get Poetry Corner revived.

I am disappointed for the Greens. I would have liked to see them get a bit of a kicking but retain one or two seats with an opportunity to rebuild. They left Govt six weeks ago and the gombeens in FF over-turned the ban on GM foods the following day in an attempt to pander to the farmers who get feed in quicker due to less checks without the ban. That is what we were dealing with.

Gormley is an arrogant prick but they are still light years ahead of anyone in FF, FG or Labour in their grasp of the development model that the state should take. Unfortunately, that doesn’t win votes.

They can go fuck.

Such a sweet sight to see the big duck egg below GP on the election results tickers.

Long live the hare!

Remind me again, where does the EU-IMF bailout, NAMA, bank recaps and pissing the NPRF up against a wall fit in with their “grasp of the development model that the state should take” ?

They deserved what they got, and a damn sight more besides.

If they have any hope of rebuilding, it’ll be without the current discredited crop of former TDs.
I have some hope for the guys who left in protest at the NAMA decision, at least they had one principle they weren’t willing to compromise on.

+1, the bike to work scheme is something i have great time for

the old lad was buying a chainsaw about this time last year and your man in the shop asked him if he could avail of this bike scheme as he also deals in bicycles and that sort of thing.
to cut to the point, as per this scheme i got work to buy ‘a bike’ from this lad for close on a grand and in turn they took about €600 from my next months wages.
so when all the red tape was sorted i sent the old lad in to collect my new ‘bike’ , and he went home with a chainsaw and a block splitter which retailed for about €1200, he bargained the 200 down himself.

he then went beserk cutting down trees and has enough timber for about 3 winters drying out god bless him, and as his back is half fucked he tips away now the odd evening in a shed he has set up for the splitter filling a few bags at a time as needed

So he got a chainsaw and a logsplitter with the bike to work scheme so you think the greens are great?..WTF

presume he’s taking pleasure in the fact that the auld lad cut down enough trees to render the bike to work scheme worthless as a means of reducing our carbon footprint?

Yes, it was an attempted witticism by the forum member with the acne problem.

yes to the first bit no to the second.
the point being if you can find a supplier with a bit of creativity then this scheme is a sham
this lad apparently sells all kinds of small machinery through this scheme, but very few bikes

in fairness thats a very funny gag bandage, the acne one.
i think it actually gets funnier the more you use it
great stuff

The one thing that shines through when you see a Green Party member interviewed is their sheer decency. Trevor Sargent, John Gormley and Eamon Ryan are three of the finest public representatives ever elected in this country. Three men who always, always, always acted in the national interest. We’ll be lucky to see their equal again, in fact the only chance is if they are elected again at the next election. And I believe they will be. An Comhaontas Glas abu.

Why Tanyard Gormley

(In Memory of Kitty Butler)

For An Comhaontas Glas,
I don’t give a toss,
My favourite party,
Is one that has smarties,
To see them in ruin,
Is as sweet as a tune.

For men who hunt pheasant,
Think it right pleasant,
To watch hounds from the stand,
They think it so grand,
To hunt fox to his covert,
They feel all in clover.

To fish for a trout,
There is little doubt,
The greens would soon reckon,
The fisher a felon,
The shooter, aswell and,
Labelled a brigand.

The Faithful Hunter of deer,
They did make it clear,
That in little time,
He was committing a crime,
While a few knackers from town,
Protest at Powerstown.

So Gormley and co,
Who’ve now nothing to do,
Give your Aristo a break,
Try shagging a cake,
Or better still flakes,
Go watch Ricki Lake.

Sickening endorsement of paedophilia


A that’s tremendous. :clap: :clap:

We have a few poets in our midst, all from Limerick…