The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG


Greens to announce new leader

The Green Party is to announce who will replace John Gormley as its leader on Friday.

Former minister Eamon Ryan, Kilkenny based Cllr Malcolm Noonan and Dublin Central general election candidate Phil Kearney are contesting.

The party, which lost its six Dáil seats in the general election, said the appointment of a new leader would be a first critical step in the rebuilding process.

It said hustings had taken place around the country ahead of the election of a new leader, with some 50 members attending each meeting. Party members will elect the new leader by postal ballot.

Mr Gormley wrote to party members in March signalling that he would be stepping down as leader

Mr Ryan served as minister for communications, energy and natural resources in the last government while the Greens were in coalition with Fianna Fáil. He was first elected as a TD in 2002 but lost his Dublin South Dáil seat in February…

Mr Noonan sits on Kilkenny County Council and Kilkenny Borough Council, having recently concluded his term as mayor of Kilkenny city. He has been an environmental activist for 20 years.

Mr Kearney, a psychotherapist and farmer, is a member of the party’s national executive committee. The party’s deputy national co-ordinator, he was an unsuccessful general election candidate in the Dublin Central.

What a thread. Probably the best ever on TFK.

It pains me to this day that no one ever found that picture of the cunt Sargeant crying however.


Its threads like this that propel this site beyond the echelons of greatness.

It’s between Ryan and Noonan apparently. Noonan is a bit of a weirdo. I expect Ryan to win but it may be closer than they’d have hoped.

Would you consider running for the Greens yourself Rocko?

Whoever gets elected could they be given a copy of Realpolitik for Dummies please? The sight of these dummies blundering their way through national politics was a sickening sight.

Their only contribution to the country means that guys able to afford a 75k Lexus only has to pay €150 car tax because it’s a hybrid*. While some poor bastard driving an old €500 1998 Corolla is paying twice that. Despicable assholes who went along with the destruction of this country by supporting the bank guarantee.

*with the electricity part barely able to power the fcuking diodes on the dashboard.

Eamonn Ryan is the new leader

smug prick

I think it’s inevitable that will happen at some stage Dunph.

Any chance you’d consider running for the DART Greens once in a while?







TFK Supporters can be assured that I’ve spent the day working out what went wrong last night. I won’t be making my conclusions public yet but I have decided that I wasn’t to blame.

Good luck to Eamon Ryan, an excellent choice. A top, top bloke. I couldn’t think of a better man to guide us through the next few years.

The Green Party issued a Press Release today outlining “12 ways Ireland will be less green this St Patrick’s Day”. Apparently these idiots can’t count though

1 Climate Change legislation ditched while they watch the flood waters rise

2 They are digging for GMO potatoes and giving up our food marketing advantage in Europe

3 Out of town Shopping Centres ……. bring them on says big Phil Hogan.

4 Ocean energy and microgeneration supports dropped, ……sure haven’t we lots of turf left.

6 Directly elected Mayor for Dublin, …… no let the bureaucracy reign.

7 Site Value taxation swapped for the most bungled introduction of a property tax ever.

8 Tax breaks for home insulation axed, along with thousands of retrofit construction jobs.

9 Public transport budget savaged – Government takes easy option to cut capital ahead of current

10The review into improper planning abandoned – same old Fine Gael – always rezoning

11 Moriarty tribunal safely gathering dust with the other papers on the Government’s reform shelf.

12 School children pay the price for across the board cuts rather than work practice change.

Listening to Newstalk live online and they have Paul Gogarty formerly of the failed Green party on, he has launched a solo singing career and is about to sing here on air. :lol:

He’s been at that for a while. Was he any good? An odd character if ever there was one.

Didn’t sing in the end, i thought i heard them say he would sing at the finish. Maybe he did earlier in the interview, i joined it late.

They played the track at the end. I wouldn’t be musical so coulnt comment on it. He is a weirdo though god help the fucker.
He is currently living off the wife who is a teacher. Says people are not taking him seriously as a journalist and expect him to write columns for free.
He is releasing an album under an assumed name, something like My Sweet Surprise. Weirdo.
You’d wonder how long the wife will put up with his shit. She should boot his hole out the door to get a job he is nearly 2 years kicking his heels now, couldn’t he get a gig in a dog shelter or something similar.