The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

You arent listening to the advice then mate

That was another Eamon Ryan disasterclass


I’ll tell you old pal - your dog is pissing on the wrong wind turbine here.
Forestry in its current incarnation is an absolute clusterfuck.


On an island of forests

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So planting trees in one of the most deforested country’s in europe is a bad idea?

No mate. I dont think youre getting this at all…


The current advice isnt to continue to use diesel mate

Which island is that

How long is fair for those of us running on diesel at the behest of the greens to switch over? Or is the policy just to tax us out of it which seems unfair? Fair enough @Spidey just needs to not eat out for a couple of weeks and he has the price of a new ev but the rest of us have financial concerns.


@Spidey will die of gout before the climate emergency accelerates. Let him off.

I think the blame here lies with the EU and the car companies tbh mate, this wasnt a rogue idea by the greens

I would ditch the diesel if i was you and get a cargo bike

How long before it changes back to diesel again?

When they figure out they can’t safely dump all the batteries from EV and it becomes an ecological disaster

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Thats a question for the scientists mate

Why are guys whatabouting with regards to diesel when we were talking about new forests? Are people against new forestry being planted?

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it appears to be the case

the same guys that post incessantly of the scenery thread are disgusted by the thought of more forests

They should have fucked off to Brazil and voted for Bolsonaro if they wanted less forestry.

Just to clarify my position; more native species forests for recreational use. Less commercial sitka spruce shite


Can you just land in Brazil and vote just like that?

Who did the people living in the Amazon rainforest vote for, out of interest?

My qualms aren’t with the plans, which are noble (fir). It’s with the ability to deliver them in a coherent fashion. The forestry department has been a shit show for two years, let alone the disastrous decision making aroung Sitka plantations and the importation of Ash Die Back infected saplings so Coillete could save a few quid.