There was fuck all living in the Amazon until the European man came in and started chopping it down.
So the people living in there should have no vote?
You mean those who profited from it’s destruction and continue to profit from it?
Everyone living in there profited from its destruction?
Do you lose your vote if you make a profit?
Ireland should undergo some rewilding. A heap of our land is farmed for the sake of it.
I’d be hugely in favour of that, but not at the expense of giving some sense of victory to @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy
Ah he’ll probably be in Australia for it
Ok, could you now read the first post that led to this debate and edit all subsequent posts
Your post was just throwing up a very vague poster/press release.
When you dont provide any context it will just be assumed to be another one of Sleepy Eamonns poorly thoughtout pronouncements.
@padjo & @iron_mike post on this forum mate- what is more appropriate for dolts like them, a shiny graphic or a detailed document?
this doesnt fall under Eamons remit mate - its Dept of Agriculture, ergo you can support it openly
Even the ones about Brazil?
leave them bro
Low energy Eamonn.
Big increase in the grant premiums, been thinking of planting an acre or two of native woodland for a while now, might just do it. Twould break the father’s heart, but something’s got to be done to offset the likes of @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy’s airmiles
@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy , im pro reforestation… Does this make me a Green? What can i do to aid this particular battle?
Online advocacy on TFK
Could i buy a strip of land and get paid to rewild?
You sure can, a non-farmer like yourself will grant payments for 15 years .
a few apologies required now imho