The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

Drink Reaction GIF by Laff

Thats an operational matter

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Has there ever been talk about futures contracts for post recycled material here, @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy @Rocko anyone else in the know/waste industry?

Say I wanted to invest in a new tech that produced recycled aluminium, would the greens look at a scheme that would give me a futures purchase contract? That would then allow me to go to the bank to finance the machines of the new tech to meet the PO.

You’d be up against the big scrap yards recycling everything. I wouldn’t have a clue of the finances but it sounds too niche an industry to me to work.


They’re good for a laugh anyway :grin:

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Blocked the LNG terminal but now we need a ship. Holy fuck.


Don’t forget either that there was EU money available to help with energy security but lettuce head didn’t apply for it.

Far easier to get Paddy and Patricia to bail him out.


would you not apply for the fucking funding anyway and decide at a later point if you actually needed it or not?

An LNG terminal someone else was going to pay for and employee people at in an unemployment black spot. And sure if we never needed gas again 5 years later it would be their problem. The mind fucking boggles.

I am all for switching to green as much as we can. But the cunts won’t let us have Nuclear either. There’s no pleasing them

Yee mate, a ship is smaller than an lng terminal and will only be used in emergencys and isnt locking fossil fuels in for generations

We will be powered by nuclear and renewables within 4 years

22GW by the end of the decade is an amazing legacy for Eamon

Why is there a new levy? As Julio said this was going to be built privately.

Why build when we can import?

Has there been an issue with supply?

Not sure if our energy supply should be left to american capitalists

The infrastructure would be there, yet your answer to everything is to tax it

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Fair enough. Its a big question. Have a think about it and come back to us when you have a decent opinion formed.

How is delivering cheaper renewable energy equal to tax?

How is decarbonising transport by building the metro and additional darts equal to tax?

It was announced that there will be a levy on electricity bills to pay for this directly. Another tax. Nothing to do with anything else