The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

Ryan isn’t even a cunt…he’s too thick to be a cunt.


I think he should paint the back of his house, grow lettuce in a window box or set a few wolves on fat biff cunts.


There generally isnt a pairing arrangement in MONC for fairly obvious reasons. You could flip it round and ask why leo isnt firing her so eamo doesnt have to kill the planet

She has two small babbies. Does that matter?
I’d certainly be giving her a break as she was on maternity leave until June.

She could probably do without this…

There’s no sympathy in this game for anyone

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Ryan is in the business of government and doing stuff, not petty politics.

It shows the priorities of the other parties.

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Would you ever get up the yard . The opposition is doing their job of holding both the govt and mcentee to account. A MONC is the way to do that.

You’d think the Dáil could start embracing remote working

No mileage in that


You want to have it both ways here.

Apparently they “obviously” can’t pare for a MONC but Eamonn Ryan also apparently is not allowed to defend the government he’s in.

The easiest solution here was to pare. If the others cared about the environment then they would have made that “exception”.

There’s too much important work ongoing for this kind of political fuckacting.

Pair, not pare.

Mcentee isnt up to it and should be removed. Its leo not doing the obvious thst makes the MONC necessary

Irrelevant. That’s your opinion, not political reality.

The political reality is that a lot of the last week couldve been avoided with effective mgmt in justice and AGS. we dont have it at the mo and it led to a shitshow last week

No that’s not political reality.

You are bringing this back to your opinion because you know you’ve been caught talking shite.

Your logic why the opp couldn’t do it was politics, yet that doesn’t hold for Ryan. This motion would seriously damage the government and bring about an election.

I know the “grrr look at the elite flying business class” will get some traction with mouthbreathers but let’s be serious.

Again. Saving mcentee is more important than the environment. The shinners have played a blinder here by making govt TDs vote confidence in mcentee while also dragging sleepy eamo into a hypocrisy scandal.

As fpr the riots, mcentee and harris had a warming when the US issued a travel advisory for dublin and yet they chose to sit on their jamds and should be held accountable

Policies are more important two enforced flights.

The fact that the opposition won’t pair shows they aren’t serious about the environment.

As I said, this is a story that appeals to morons.

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Some fairly LSD laced logic there tim

Why is Helen McEntee in the media this week assuring people Dublin city centre is safe? After spending most of the summer saying it too?

What is?

You excused the opposition “engaging in politics” but won’t excuse it from the Greens.