The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

well there are some circumstances, flying to meet a renewable company to sign off on a new fossil fuel free energy system is well worth it or agreeing at a meeting to end extraction of fossil fuels again would be worth it mate

What about zoom? Like, it’s the END OF THE WORLD we’re talking about here?

some times people like the human touch mate, the end justify the means

At grand. He tried to get it done on zoom first but the lads made him travel?

Ok mate you’re being a bit silly.


I don’t think so

You can’t seriously be considering interrupting the junket gravy-train?

I just think that, if I believed flying was seriously contributing to the END OF THE WORLD, it would take something very, very important to make me get on a plane.

you dont think getting agreement to reduce fossil fuel is important?

I do of course*

*not certain it’ll help but it’s worth a shot

COP is actually very very important.

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Really? How so?

What about all the other places he flies to?

Like where? For EU or UN meetings for example? They’re also important. You could probably take it as read that Ministers have to have meetings in other places and that they are important.

Shanghai, Singapore, Beijing, Hong Kong, Nairobi and Dubai. That’s this year alone (I’m probably missing a few but a small google throws up that). All 100% vital

Again I think you’re being a bit silly. We’re in a climate emergency, so yes, world summits on climate and energy are important. Why the fuck would anyone want to go to Dubai if it wasn’t absolutely necessary?

No I’m not. You just said we’re in a climate emergency. Even for the optics these wasters should do it on zoom.

Do you think a massive global conference where world leaders are going to have to make really difficult choices for the future of the planet, and all the negotiating, side talks, drafting and redrafting, more negotiation etc etc couod be done over zoom?

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Yes. Emergency and all that

The thing that is being chaired by the fella who thinks there’s no need to reduce fossil fuel consumption?

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Ok I’ll leave you there so.