The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

Did you not see the two “verys” there?

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It’s either an emergency or it isn’t. And it obviously isn’t

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looks like its at loggerheads now

Ok yeah, stupid enough point there.

They’ll all have to fly back and then fly somewhere else again next year

Lettuce head should bring them to Edenderry. They can admire the 4000+ trucks required to haul 1 load of Brazilian wood chip from Foynes.

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All I want from him and the rest of these lads who are telling me that we are in a climate emergency is for him to act, or even pretend to act, like he believes it

any of your lot get picked up after the riots yet mate?

Ah what’s up princess?

Did Saoirse Noman not return your calls ??

I’m beginning to think the Arab countries aren’t serious about phasing out fossil fuels

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Eamonn is such a good little boy. It’s perspirationalble.

I don’t see the point here.

Annual conferences might be good for awareness but it doesn’t appear to be the optimal way to do things. Surely every couple of years is the way to go.

smashing the retrofit targets

Anything on SEAI grant eligibility being extend to house built after 2021 pal? I want to be as green as possible

Another European city introduced free public rail transport yesterday… Eamonn Ryan is against free public transport as it might induce 'unnecessary journeys ’ :smiley:

One of the main provisions on the greens 2020 manifesto was ending direct provision… Instead, they’ve overseen a rise in numbers.

They’ve supported evictions …

And hiding behind renewable energy stats that mean fuck all. Ireland is one of the worst countries in Europe for developing wind farms and not one jot of what’s up and running is being passed on to consumers… A complete sham.

Sleepy Eamonn flying all over the globe - he needs to go.


I was just pulling out of The Point Village Car park there and spotted some Graffiti on the wall opposite. “Eamon Ryan eats his own snots”. Myself and mrs barnes got a fit of laughing.


Green on green


Better services or free public transport

What does Ireland need?

The wind auctuon means we will have lower prices, thats a fact.

Are you seething that i pointed out you support a populist right wing party

It’s organic I guess

Looking forward to those cheaper prices. The direct debit for gas an electricity was marginally less than a grand this morning.