The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

Carry on

Put your kids first mate

My kids are fine mate

Why you using a mobile phone mate? Does the cobalt mining not put you off

I’m on me desktop

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Do you think that bus will use more or less energy sourced from hydrocarbons compared to the diesel version it replaced?

Ive no idea but in terms of Ireland as a whole tobday that farming isnt the most culpulable is anti truth

Do you think it is a pertinent plan for the government to back public sector transport options that increase emission levels for the same carrying capacity?

Farming as a whole has reduced it’s emissions significantly in the recent past and continues to do so

By god, I think @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy 's green crusade is finished once and for all with that one.

He can hardly come back from that drubbing???


Whats a public sector transport option?

Ageiculture reduced emmisons slighrly but by far its still the worse

Do you think importing millions of tonnes of cattle feed so we can export protein shakes is sustainable?

A pertinent plan for the government to back public sector transport options, mate.

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A public transport option, I mistyped.

Is less efficiency, more emissions and higher cost a good thing for the environment?

Cup of strong tea with a drop of milk, thanks

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no, but what is planned & coming on board is more efficiency, less emissions & lower costs

Transport Minister, NTA and Dublin Bus unveil electric bus charging infrastructure - National Transport

What was the plan with these electric busses so?

I’d imagine the assumption is that power generation for recharging to.come.from wind/imported nuclear in time?

Cart perhaps?

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they will have proper electric chargers in place & as most of our energy will be renewable or nuclear in the next few years they will be run on that

So you’re saying politicians were chasing headlines rather than effective change, got it


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