The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

Any update on this? Where can you get these loans?

The Scots, via the Green Party, have brought in a trial to evaluate a 32- hour work week for civil service employees

Cue ‘civil service cunts don’t work half that anyway’ gags etc but it is interesting to see this being trialled in a not too dissimilar nation (lickspittles and all that they are)

Green Scot’s :blush::blush::blush::ok_hand::ireland:

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If twas here they’d be organising a hunt and charging for same🙄

Marxist agitators have just thrown paint on the Mona Lisa *

It’s an oil painting

The were protesting over the lack of “healthy and sustainable food”. They then added.
“What is more important? Art or the right to healthy and sustainable food,”

I don’t think that makes them Marxist?

Marxist agitators want to destroy anything beautiful.

More like ‘healthy and sustainable food protestors’ want to get attention.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy when are you going to stop declaring war on the environment and give us back our single use plastic bags

“This ought to be the motto of the climate lobby: We don’t help the environment, but we virtue signal about it anyway.”

Updated for accuracy


A report funded and issued by a plastic bag lobby group against plastic bag alternative.

Thought you were wiser than that…

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Brazil for Eamon this year for Paddy’s. The man must have savage air miles built up


Banning plastic bags has reduced Ireland’s litter problem to a great extent.

Shops should offer paper bags and charge for them (M&S do it already)

Any lad without a selection of atttractive canvas tote bags needs to look in the mirror.

And we tax things…a lot!

yes, why go to the place where deforestation happens to try & stop it

eAMON rYAN policies has led to traffic in Fariview at rush hour - lets all think back to the good old days a few years ago when you wouldnt see any traffic on that road

This clusterfuck has pushed me back on to the Dart, so some good has come of it.

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