The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

A cluster fuck of a post. How frequent are buses on that route? Its actually a good example to tell people get the bus instead

every 5 minutes i would say

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Snowflake :joy:

Emissions wasn’t the reason for getting rid of plastic bags though.

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I’d say more frequent than that. Max every couple of minutes there, though really anyone able bodied at that stop should be walking into town for their own good.

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Is that what he’s doing?

yeah, its not a holiday mate (although if he gets this over the line, he can retire a hero)

God he wont be popular over there so

correct, he isnt a populist

He’ll be getting seriously stuck into the Brazilians.

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon falls 22% in 2023 (

have a look of this fable mate & see what life lessons you can learn

The Story Of The Wind And The Sun - Aesop’s fables - YouTube

I’ll hold off until St Patrick’s day and see how Eamon tackles it.

22% of the Amazon rain-forest gone though? Thank Christ I’m driving plastic bottles back to Dunnes

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i think the deposit scheme is mainly to tackle waste & litter mate so no real equivalence there

Something needs to be done about rubbish collection in our city from businesses.


eh no, @Batigol said because Ryan is off to Brazil we should litter everywhere & be happy

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Im working on it!


How’s the young fellas diesel car going Roisin??

He will in his hole. He’s a fucking eejit.

eejits dont get to be chair of the international energy agency mate