The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

Far catchier than that. An Rabharta Glas - Green Left.

Who’s in it? SPLITTERS

Was this not formed after the last election by people who didnt want to go into Government?

Some mature student I never heard of is the Limerick East candidate according to the Leader anyway.

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My life partner & I made the same observation.

We were a bit taken aback. It was bizarre carry on for something that’s not really worthy of it. Save the grandstanding like.

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Aodhan is sick of cars in Dublin

Do you know what the greens really need to do. Split their vote :see_no_evil:

“But it was raining today! And you want to stop people coming from the northside to the southside in their cars!”

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O’Connell St was finished the day they banned the left turn on Dawson Street for cars.

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The gasp, how condescending

Miriam’s brother Jim is up against Eamo inDublin Bay South in the next election. There is an obvious conflict of interest in Miriam haranguing Sleepy Eamonn and even just for optics it shouldn’t happen.


Informative rating.

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barry getting the kicking he deserves for that


There is an awful attitude to rubbish in Ireland. Same for dog shit.

We need a back to school programme for quite a few people.


You would wonder what kind of filth they live in at home with their attitudes to rubbish in public.

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Why would you put recyclables into your green bin when you can drive a few miles and put them into the Lidl bin? And pay a sneaky tax for the privilege?


The Greens have scored a massive og with this one, it will rile up a lot with very small chance of a win for them. This terrible inadequate rollout will be linked to them now, rightly or wrongly