The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

Is that Chinese?

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And has it been? I’m reading here on the INTERNET that over half China’s electricity still comes from coal


Yep, just off my roof there and i can conform my solar panels are made in China

Anyone know what strutural decline means

They really are beyond redemption. Utter fuckwits!

Nasty post

I’ll post again after a few scoops. It should be more mellow and appropriate.

Farmers who depend on nature destroying it?

Did you find Dunkettle yet??:grin:

Hasnt got past the red cow yet. Anything outside the m50, the new pale

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Everything going according to plan :smirk:

I haven’t even looked into this thing… What should/ shouldn’t i be doing?

Voting green

buying single use plastics

If shops are selling them I’m going to buy them :person_shrugging:t2:

The 12 litres of sparkling water i bought, am i supposed to return the bottles to these machines and the machine will fire out money to me?

i dont understand mate

Me neither.

I’ll just continue on as is. I’m putting the plastic bottles in the recycling anyway so it’s all good.

It’s not good as you are being charged 15c per bottle.